Apr 21Liked by Mike Stackhouse

The first Richardson canola crush plant is in the RM of Orkney, not on city land. Just a FYI. LDC is on city land.

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Somehow I had enough information about health that I was told these shots were neither SAFE nor EFFECTIVE. Nor were they tested to any length of time. Why did those LEADERS not also have thus information? Or did they, and didn't have the courage to buck the trend? I also knew intuitively that what was happening in March 2020, that these shutdowns and lockdowns were very anti human. These were incredibly dark days for many.

The arrogance of THE RULING CLASS was off the charts! No one has apologized. OUR DEAR LEADER has publicly stated he never FORCED anyone to take the shot.

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Good leaders can admit their mistakes and at least appear accountable.

Any thinking person could determine that the lockdowns, the passports, the encouraged snitching and various other punishments were not going to stop a corona virus from circulating. (Especially when Costco and other big box stores were open as usual). People lost their minds and went along with all the nonsense of course aided by over the top fear mongering by governments and the media. People need to be held accountable for all the damage that was done during those 4 dark years. People lost their livelihoods.

When it happens again (climate lockdown or disease X) and governments move to restrict us, we must NOT COMPLY!

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I confronted my MP about the exact same situation(he wouldn’t stand up and say no) He flat out told me that he cannot do that. Once in Ottawa or Regina they are told “you vote the partyline. Period! If they don’t vote the partyline, the party will find someone next time around that will. Thoae were his words! All political parties should be abolished, lobbying deemed illegal and everyone is independent. Vote for a Premier in a different vote. Referendum on anything over a certain dollar amount. You can’t trust any of them, they only look out for themselves and getting re elected. Direct Democracy Power Back to the People

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Interesting point about you talking about those close to Moe and shaqab and they didn’t believe in what they were doing, they were just trying to keep the left happy. Wow, that is brutal. I guess it makes sense. Anyone who tries to speak up and go against the grain is crucified and cancelled.

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